Sunday, August 31, 2014

Snowman finished!

Yay I finally got these ornaments sll stitched up!! Been a busy year so it took me a while.

First photo is before I did the fifteen French knots second is after. The French knots are well ok it's really hard to do them on plastic canvas . So much easier on fabric. At least there done.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Snowman update

Ok got all of the cross stitching done just need to do the back stitching and quite a few French knots.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Snowman update

Didn't do as much the last while as I would have liked. I have just not been in the right state if mind to stitch.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Snowman update 3

Ok have not done much as I would have liked but it's still progress. Won't be able to stitch much today taking my kids to the aquarium. 

Hoping I at least finish his head today. We will see.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Snowman update

Well his scarf is done! Not a ton of progress, but progress none the less. Just his body, arm, head, star and hat to to go. And ok and back stitching and about 14 French knots.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Ok I actually did a lot more on the snowman yesterday then I thought I would! Very happy with the progress I made hopefully I finish this soon so I can work on a new project.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Santa and snowman

Finished the Santa a while ago. I have one to go a snowman.

Hoping to get a lot done this weekend only have today though. Going to see Guardians of the Galaxy tomorrow. Hopefully will actually get around to posting an update of the snowman in the next day or to.